
New Song Sneak Peak

"Farewell Acadia" - a Song about the Acadian Deportation from Nova Scotia, in the 1750's.

Recording Again :)

New Album in the Works! Welcome to my off grid "Outpost" in Quebec. I find it easier to focus on projects out in the peace and quiet. I look forward to updating you with new material soon! This group of…

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Unsung Heroes - Alan Melanson

The people who live a life of service dedicated to a cause or helping others before themsleves, often have the strongest of characters, are the ones who are typically only recognized LONG after the fact.. Sadly it seems years or…

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Unsung Heroes Series

I've started up a video series! It's dedicated to unsung heroes I come across in my travels - those people who are largely unknown to the general public but have made important and selfless contributions throughout their life. Here is…

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Canadian Musician Magazine

I was honoured to have recently been given a showcase in "Canadian Musician" Magazine! Check it out :) I found this out a couple of months late, but whatever! 

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